Araminta lives with her Aunt Tabby, Uncle Drac, and Wanda Wizard, Barry and Brenda. Plus two ghosts Sir Horace and Edmund. One day Aunt Tabby was opening a letter adressed to her. The letter said:
You have one our contest about batty about bats. You were the only one that answered the following questions correctly:
Which of these bats do not sleep upside down?
1.a lesser long noesed bat
2.a Mexican long tounged bat
3.a ghost-faced bat
4.a basball bat
The correct answer is number 4!
You will be tavelling to Transalvania to see the giant vampire bats.
Prize taken at own risk.
Wow Aunt Tabby said Araminta this will be a great way to spend my birthday! Sorry Araminta said Aunt Tabby but I already promised Barry and Brenda and Drac that if I won I would bring them with me.
Now Araminta Great Aunt Emiline will be looking after you. Soon enough it was time for them to go. Where's Great Aunt Emiline? asked Wanda. If she dosent turn up Nurse Waitkins will be looking after you. Oh no my day was suddenly turning into the worst day of my life. About an hour later the door bell rang. Wanda and I opened the door. And suprise suprise it was Nurse Waitkins. An hour later we were eating brussle sprouts and I can tell they are horrible! Then the doorbell rang again. It was Mathilda my almost grown up sister. I was hoping that she was going to somhow persuid Nuse Waitkins to let her look after us. Yes! I don't know how she dose it but she convinced Nuse Waitkins that she would look after us! amazing! The next day Sir Horace was being a sad ghost I asked him why and he said that his old castle was getting knocked down! This book was a great book. I would rate it a 8 out of ten. You should go to your local Libary and see if they have this book and if they do get it out and try it.
By Poppy