Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Billy Bonkers by Giles Andreae

This book is about Billy Bonkers and how he goes bonkers. He likes to eat a lot of food and does not mind what he eats as long as he eats something. Billy's best food is porridge and candy. He has a sister as well. Billy gets in a lot of trouble. Billy saves peoples live's. I love this book. It is the coolest book I have read. Billy goes to a lot of different planets. Billy's mother has a lot of washing to do.
By Rebekah


  1. Hi There.That looks like pretty cool book.From Mackenzie

  2. I want to read it.
    But I've got two questions.
    Where did you get that book?
    And who are you?

  3. sounds cool Beks I will need to read it now because it sounds so cool.
    By Julia
